Analysis of the problems encountered in the programming of CNC cutting machine

The programming of CNC cutting machine mainly includes two aspects. The first one is the compiling and processing of cutting graphics. In view of the current domestic most CNC cutting machine process, this work is mainly done by using CAD and other related software on the computer; The second is to set the relevant parameters in the cutting process on the CNC cutting machine control cabinet. In the programming process, common problems and solutions are as follows:
1, the program can not read.
The program is named incorrectly and cannot be named with Chinese characters.
Two "." signs cannot appear in the program name.
The program title is too long.
U disk bad contact.
2, programming software can not open or turn over too slow.
The application time of the software is too long. There are too many procedural files to be derived from the program and should be cleared or reinstalled.
There are problems with the system or too many files on the desktop.
3, the program output is found in the graphics some lines discoloration (will seriously affect the cutting, destruction of the workpiece) ----- software output appears garbled, enter the program code to find the corresponding graphics code manually remove or correct. If you can't fix it, you can rewrite the output.
4, must pay attention to the plate size programming, unilateral to have 10mm cutting margin.
5, CNC plasma cutting machine operation interface analysis.
Arc voltage; Our plasma system has a fixed output current of 200A. After adjusting the arc voltage to adjust the output plasma energy, the greater the arc voltage, the greater the output energy.
Arc height; that is, arc height, because the plasma arc is the rugby appearance, so the arc height seriously affects the cutting quality. If you choose improperly, it will form the cutting surface is not vertical or seriously biased. In general, the arc height of the thick plate is less than the thin plate .
Delay; mainly used for piercing, the purpose of the delay is to be able to normal perforation, is the time from piercing to travel when cutting, thick plate delay time is greater than the plate.
Moving speed; reasonable parameters as long as an optimal moving speed.
Hand (self) dynamic height system; here is the main set is the automatic height adjustment system, automatic height adjustment system is the main conditioning perforated height, perforation height is set to maintain the torch when piercing, unreasonable perforation height is easily damaged Consumables and even the formation of a serious result of burning rob (too high easy to burn the electrode, too easy to burn the gun).
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